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What are the characteristics of automated warehouse favored by people

source:Anhui Etown Information Technology Co.,Ltd   Update time:2021-09-14

Storage Automation

  1.Conducive to the storage of goods.。

  In an automated warehouse, a large number of goods are stored. Because of the shelving pallet system, goods can be placed in pallets or boxes, thus making the handling operation safe and reliable, avoiding the phenomenon of damaged and loose packaging of products. The system automatically records the product batch and expiration date, and strictly controls to ensure the safety of product quality;

  2.Efficient, fast and accurate access to the warehouse, shorten the operation time。

  Modern goods need to move quickly and accurately. Due to the intelligent control and operation mechanism of the universal warehouse management system, the automatic warehouse uses faster speed and shorter distance to transport and pick up goods, which greatly reduces the time of goods in and out of the warehouse. At the same time, the accuracy of warehouse operation is very high, the warehouse can be coordinated with suppliers and users, which is conducive to shorten the circulation time of goods.

  3.Improve the management level of warehouse

  The use of warehouse management system has put an end to the common and complex manual management methods of accounts, so the warehouse account management and a large number of warehouse management materials are recorded in real time through the system, needed at any time and called out at any time, which is accurate, convenient, but also very convenient for the warehouse. Analyze the management process. In terms of inventory, automated warehouses can control inventory at a more economical level. Under the condition of completing the same commodity turnover, the inventory of automated warehouse can be small.

  4.Warehouse automation can save labor and improve warehouse utilization.

  The automatic warehouse adopts intelligent warehouse management system, combined with high efficient driving stacking crane, greatly improves the production efficiency of the warehouse. Usually, large warehouses only need a few workers and can save a lot of labor. At the same time, greatly reduce the labor intensity of the warehouse, improve the working conditions. High level shelves of automated warehouses can make rational use of space, thus increasing the amount of goods stored per unit area of land. On the same land, the storage capacity of building an automated warehouse is several times or even ten times that of building an ordinary warehouse. In this way, under the same storage capacity, automated warehouse greatly improves the utilization rate of the warehouse.

  The above four points are all about the four main features of an automated warehouse. Thank you for your understanding and support!