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the Limit of Heat:The sky is high and the clouds are wide,Walk with your dreams

source:Brand Market Center-Etown intelligent sorting device for the IoT   Update time:2021-08-25

End of Heat, or "out of heat"

It marks the end of the hot summer

Autumn is coming

Away from the summer clouds, curling cool wind

During the end of Heat,

The rustling autumn colors spread out the autumn clouds,

Autumn water like a mirror, bright autumn sun


End of Heat is the prelude to harvest

After the Canicular day of sweat like rain

Now the harvest is in sight

Sorghum and corn spread over the fields

As the saying goes, "At the end of the heat, rehmannia is filled, and granaries are repaired."

The wind blows a leaf, everything has been surprised autumn

Farewell to Ten miles spring

Thanksgiving for the summer's hard work

One belongs to the harvest, inventory of the season

Crept up on us

When summer and autumn come, climb high and look far

May we have a good harvest at the same time

Stay true to what you started and keep going

All the people of Etown, but also very willing to and all aspirants together

Work hard and walk with your dreams